Endicott Awarded $10 Million Funds Support Development of the Advanced Manufacturing I-District

New York State's Downtown Revitalization Initiative has awarded $10 million in funding to Endicott. The Village's DRI application aimed to build on the development of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District. This grant will provide funding for both public and private sector projects within Endicott’s downtown.  

Public projects include further renovation and improvements along the Village's Washington Avenue corridor, complementing current renovations in the downtown area.  These projects will continue on making the downtown and attractive and safe environment which will help spur additional investment in the Washington Avenue district.  

Private sector projects would include investment in current businesses and create opportunities for new businesses to establish in Endicott.  Funding from the DRI will allow for further growth in Endicott by attracting businesses, creating jobs, increasing mixed-use space and establishing new food and entertainment opportunities in Endicott’s iDistrict. 

Endicott is committed to the revitalization programs and ensuring that current and future generations will want to live, work and raise a family in our community.  

The Village wants to thank everyone who worked on developing the DRI application. The effort involved Village Officials, Town of Union Economic Development, representatives from Huron Campus, BAE, Union-Endicott, and community stakeholders along with the Village's grant writers. 


Alexis Belardinelli