The Mayor's Corner
Wow, I can’t believe it’s been almost nine months already!
Time flies when you’re having fun and working hard. The Village Board and my administration have been working diligently together to improve our community. I feel very optimistic about the direction we are headed. We have replaced a record number of water main lines and milled and paved more roads than we have in recent history.
We realize that all of the construction this summer has been tough, and I apologize for that. However, I keep reminding myself that progress can sometimes be painful, but in the end, it will be worth it.
It seems Endicott has had a dark cloud over us for some time, and I believe that if we continue to work hard and make improvements, we can change that perception and build a great community together.
I hope you all enjoyed your summer! My family and I managed to sneak away to the lake a few times, for which I am thankful.
Below, I have highlighted a few areas that we have been working on. Thank you for providing me an opportunity to serve you.
Nick Burlingame
Washington Ave Streetscape Project
We are making great progress with this massive project. The new waterlines and sewer system upgrades have been installed, the base coat of pavement has been applied on all blocks, light pole bases have been installed, and work has now begun on the curbs. The construction company is currently ahead of schedule.
Downtown Security
We were recently awarded $770,000 under the State’s Law Enforcement Technology Grant Program. The former mayor wanted to use our revitalization funds for cameras; however, I always disagreed with that approach, as cameras do not contribute to revitalization. We knew we could secure grants specifically for public safety in our downtown areas. The cameras will not be limited to Washington Ave; they will be installed throughout all of our downtown district. Most importantly, our revitalization funds can now be allocated towards streetscape projects. This grant will also aid us with other policing technologies. This is a significant investment in keeping our community safe.
Old IBM Building Group Demolition
We remain optimistic that the demolition of the building will start this calendar year. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) was holding up this demolition until the property owner could provide a feasibility study. The property owner submitted the last required documentation and the study earlier this month, and we are hoping to receive the green light from the state. Once we do, the Village of Endicott Board of Trustees will need to conduct the SEQR review, after which the demolition can begin. We look forward to having a shovel-ready site for future development.
Little Italy Endicott Streetscape Project
Congressman Marc Molinaro presented our Little Italy Streetscape project to the House Appropriations Committee, where they agreed to include it in the FY25 appropriations bill. This funding is contingent on the bill passing the House of Representatives, the Senate and obtaining President of the United States signature. If all goes according to plan, construction may begin next summer.