iDistrict Washington Ave Website Launched

Working with Delta Engineers, the Village of Endicott established a Washington Avenue Revitalization Committee, which consists of stakeholders in various areas, including Village Officials, Town of Union Economic Development, Washington Avenue businesses, local developers, Huron Campus, BAE, Little Italy, and the Union-Endicott Central School District. The Washington Avenue Revitalization Committee is responsible for working with Delta to review different improvement proposals and work through the multiple design ideas that are discussed to find viable options which both benefit downtown businesses and create an inviting environment for future development. Some of the committee’s goals are to improve walkability along the Washington Avenue corridor, enhance pedestrian safety and accessibility, and increase patronage of businesses along the Avenue.  

The Revitalization Committee has developed three options for review on a new layout design for Washington Avenue. At this time, we will be seeking feedback on the conceptual designs that will be presented in this initial phase. Other features such as lighting, greenspace/trees, gathering areas, etc., will be incorporated as well. These three options are available for review and comment by the public at 

Alexis Belardinelli