Huron Campus Steam Release Update

From The Office of The Mayor                                                      September 15, 2021

 The Village of Endicott is in contact with Huron Campus on progress to repair a steam-driven chiller turbine. While the turbine is down, Huron must conduct controlled releases of excess steam occurring behind a group of buildings east of the McKinley Avenue viaduct. The venting of the water vapor produces a loud noise that is disturbing to residents. 

Huron Real Estate Associates President Chris Pelto told Mayor Linda Jackson that a muffler installed on the steam vent had to be bypassed during other building maintenance work. Re-routing the steam venting back through the muffler to reduce the noise started Wednesday morning.   

There is no estimate on when the turbine repair will be completed. Huron is pressing for it to be done as soon as possible. Also, when temperatures start to drop, the campus can turn on heating systems that will use more steam and minimize venting. 

 Linda Jackson

Village of Endicott Mayor


Alexis Belardinelli