Village Manager Update: Endicott Downtown Revitalization Application

Earlier this week, the Village of Endicott submitted an application to New York State for the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) economic development program.  In this program’s fifth year, NYS will invest $200 million in up to 20 downtowns statewide.  Communities will be nominated by the state’s Regional Economic Development Councils (REDC) based on their application and the potential to transform their respective downtowns.  Each REDC will then nominate either two downtowns to receive $10 million each or one downtown will receive $20 million. 

 As stated in our application, the village is seeking to continue on working to revitalize our downtown with transformative public and private sector projects that will work together to achieve our strategic goal of creating a downtown that will support current businesses, foster the growth of new industries and build a strong and secure future for the community.  Economic Development Programs like the DRI are a way for applicants to take a comprehensive approach in improving their local economy and transform communities in to vibrant neighborhoods.  Endicott is committed to the revitalization programs and working to ensure that current and future generations will want to live, work and raise a family in our community.  

Endicott’s potential projects in this application are centered in our established Innovation District (iDistrict).   Private investments would include the creation of new businesses or investment in current businesses on Washington Avenue and the surrounding downtown area.  New business in the high-tech environment at Huron Campus, which is in the center of our Advanced Manufacturing iDistrict are proposed  as well as on Endicott’s northside which has a large potential for new businesses that could be created with assistance from this Initiative.  A new Research and Development facility is included in our iDistrict which would create new jobs in our downtown.  Projects throughout the iDistrict would also include new restaurants, breweries, wineries and an Art Tower which would include sound studios, a gallery and studios for painters and sculptors.

Public projects would include further renovation and improvements along the Village’s Washington Avenue corridor which would complement current renovations being completed on the Avenue and parking lots.  Also proposed is the extension of initiatives such as increasing outdoor dining opportunities, creating a smart downtown including high-speed WIFI, smart street lighting, lighted crosswalks and downtown cameras, alternative energy programs and building and housing improvement funds.  The implementation of a Trade School and an Advanced Manufacturing Assembler School is also proposed for Endicott.  

The DRI application was developed with assistance from community members including Village Officials, Town of Union Economic Development, representatives from Huron Campus, BAE, Union-Endicott and community stakeholders along with the Village’s grant writers.  With potential funding from this Initiative and with other investments currently underway, the Village looks forward to continuing to invest in improvements that benefit our community and provide opportunities for the future growth of Endicott.  

Anthony Bates

Village Manager

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Alexis Belardinelli