Village Fire Department Welcomes New Fire Truck

On February 28, 2021, the Village Fire Department officially put a new fire truck into service. "Squad 25" carries 800 gallons of water and an easy-to-use foam application for fighting fires. It also has vehicle rescue equipment such as the "Jaws of Life." It replaces a 35-year old truck that had an open cab back seat. The new truck also has a safety feature that requires seat belts to be in use and secured before moving forward.

"In our business, minutes are everything. The upgrade to the size of the water tank, the addition of the foam, and the motor is very powerful," said Capt. Paul Higgins. "This will go up any hill in the Village no problem."

The new truck cost $395,000. The Village received a $350,000 grant from FEMA through the Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program. FEMA paid $333,333.33, with the Village responsible for a 5% grant match. In all, the Village of Endicott paid the remaining $61,666.67.

The federal grant money was secured by the Local 1280 Endicott Professional Firefighters. According to Higgins, Endicott firefighters have a history of securing federal and state grants that have amounted to more than $1 million for personnel and tools of rescue.

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Alexis Belardinelli