Village of Endicott Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Panel Webpage

The Village of Endicott Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Panel is moving toward submission of a plan required by the Governor’s Office.

UPDATE: The public is invited to participate in our “Town Hall” style zoom meeting on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 820 4051 8843

Dial-In 1-929-436-2866

If you have questions for the panel to address, please submit them to . There will also be a comment/question period during the meeting. To ensure everyone gets a chance to speak, participants will be limited to 3 minute comment periods.

Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order (#203) directing that a panel of community stakeholders meet with each local government that has a police department. Our panel was tasked with providing input to the Village of Endicott in developing a plan to eliminate racial inequality in policing, modernize police strategies, and better address the needs of our community. This initiative is meant to promote public safety, improve community engagement, and foster trust between communities of color and the police agency.

A webpage on the Endicott Police Department’s website is now available for public information and awareness of upcoming panel activities. Click HERE.

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Alexis Belardinelli