As 2020, the year of COVID, draws to an end; we want to summarize our accomplishments and begin discussing the New Year. First, a very sincere Thank You to our employees for their diligence and flexibility in dealing with the impact of COVID while making progress on many initiatives critical for our future. Also, a special thanks to Trustee Eileen Konecny and Event Coordinator Monica Jordan for their work to plan outdoor concerts, decorate for holidays and lifting our spirits during the pandemic.

The Village of Endicott is on the cusp of a new era of progress. 

Deputy Mayor Cheryl Chapman and I have worked together for many years and had plans to implement coming into this new administration. We are excited to report some of the projects we were able to accomplish finally!

Investment In Washington Avenue

 Active development has started on storefronts, parking lots, entrances to the Village, green areas, and on murals in collaboration with the Brome County Arts Council. Local planning teams will be formed to work with engineers and architects. The look and feel of the urban core will finally make a leap forward. We now have a committee to assist businesses in securing grants for improvements on the first block of Washington Avenue. Our architecture firm and committee had a kickoff discussion on December 21, 2020 for the Washington Avenue Revitalization Project. We will put together design suggestions to present to the public for opinions. Please submit any suggestions or ideas to me at voemayor@endicottny.com

Businesses And Investors Are Moving In

Several businesses moved into the Village this past year: We have welcomed ‘So Pretty Studio’, ‘Ruby’s’ relocating to the Union District, ‘McCoy’s Chop House’ restaurant, and Allen Memorial Home purchased the former Nirchi’s On The Avenue - to name a few. Many other properties have been purchased. We have a flight school at the airport. We are exploring a location of a start-up company for glass recycling. The hotel across from En-Joie Golf Course has a new owner with plans to restore the property.

iM3NY Marks A Major Turning Point

 Based on research at Binghamton University under Nobel Prize winner M. Stanley Whittingham, Imperium 3 New York will produce a cleaner and less costly Lithium-Ion battery that will usher in the fast-growing clean energy industry. Production starts in 2023 and in the course of 8 years more than 1,000 employees will work at this facility. This estimate does not include many supply chain companies that will seek a local presence. Endicott will also serve as the headquarters of the North American Region.

BAE Endicott: Strong Technology Company And Community Partner

 BAE Endicott produces the drive train and controls for the hybrid bus division which has more than 12,000 vehicles in service around the world. This business line is complementary to iM3NY and together these companies define a growing industry cluster in clean energy technology. BAE Endicott also produces flight controls. Every second - an aircraft takes off in the world with controls made in Endicott. They continue to grow and will be an even bigger presence in our Village. BAE has been incredibly supportive of our community. Many employees spent their lunch hours on the Avenue supporting our restaurants and businesses. The company contributes to our annual Holiday Parade and other events we general in the Village.

Village Employees Deliver On Cost Savings, Operations And Betterment

  • The Water Department helped the Street Department on picking up garbage and saving use of temporary labor. No employees were laid off. All departments split into shifts and did their best to take care of our residents while observing COVID guidelines.

  • Deputy Mayor Chapman, along with the Street Department, and Code Department, have saved the Village almost $200,000 through November of this year! Without losing personal or services! She has more planned!

  • The Village has embarked on clean energy projects that will reduce costs and earn the Clean Communities designation. Deputy Mayor Chapman is working on completing applications that could amount up to $250,000 in additional grants as credit for us initiating these energy savings!

  • Fire Marshal Brian Botsford and code enforcement are cleaning up the Village of Endicott. As you drive around, the result is amazing! He is also working on updating codes to be more effective.

  • Improvement of our infrastructure through overdue maintenance. Even without our regular allotted State funding, we have worked out ways to complete many needed projects. Others are on our list to commence in the spring.

  • Our Street Department has reduced contractor expenses by taking over construction and maintenance activities. This was very necessary given our reduced State aid.

  • The Municipal Light Department installed charging stations for electric vehicles. Our hope is that people will shop and go to the restaurants in the Union District while their cars are being charged.

  • Researching solar power for our wastewater site. We are reviewing this with our Municipal Light Department and experts in solar energy. The FAA and DEC have already given us the ok to proceed our potential project.

  • Maintaining a strong relationship with the Town, County and Empire State Development. Looking forward to developing a program to attract investors to our Two Federal Opportunity Zones. The other development noted above will instill further investments. I am fortunate that I can call on Johnson City Mayor Greg Deemie, Town of Vestal Supervisor John Schaffer, Town of Union Supervisor Rick Materese, and Town of Dickinson Supervisor Mike Marinaccio, for help and advice. They have been wonderful to work with on projects! I have now established a personal relationship at the ESD, to discuss bringing new businesses to our area. This is particularly important to get State aid because the Village cannot afford any PILOTS, etc. at this time.

  • Our relationship with the Department of Transportation is better than ever. They are thankful for a contact to work with within the Village! This will benefit both the DOT and us!

  • Housing Visions will be developing affordable housing at the former HBE school property.

Clean Water Remains A Top Priority

 The water department continues to make progress and the complaint rate has been reduced significantly. A major investment in filtration systems may be required. These are significant investments that will require grant support from State and Federal Government. We are also investigating additional wells in areas that may not require filters. We realize this has been a problem for many years, but we are now taking this seriously to finding ways to get our residents the clean water they deserve.

Improving Our Quality Of Life

  • Another section of the Chugnut Trail has been completed. Ultimately this trail will connect the seven parks of the Village. Trustee Konecny has been incredibly involved with this project for years.

  • The carousel at North Park is being restored. Concerts have been held at North Park and the Village Steps. EPAC, Little Italy Stage, and the Cider Mill Stage combine with our parks and trails to create a network of entertainment and healthy living.

  • Our beloved golf tournament at En-Joie will celebrate 50 years of professional golf in our Village in 2021.

  • Darlene Leonard delivered on a virtual holiday event. Her fireworks were the best yet!

  • Trustee Konecny and Monica Jordan decorated the municipal building. They wanted to embrace the new administration with a homey feel atmosphere! The Village installed holiday lighting early. We added 3,000 more lights to our Municipal Christmas tree!

  • Police Chief Pat Garey initiated a new program, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. We are making slow progress during this CVOVID pandemic but gaining knowledge in working out these problem areas.

  • Village leaders continue training on diversity. Diversity will be a major focus area in the coming years. All our Village Department leaders took a diversity class with us to better work with all Village residents. We now have a Police Reform Committee, with many neighborhood participants.

The Southern Tier Community Center Is A Major Asset For Endicott

 We have forged a strong relationship with the Community Center. Village employees are celebrating this holiday season by adopting families. They are doing this with their own money, NOT the Village budget. Deputy Mayor Chapman has worked out a plan with the Trade Unions to mentor students who are not interested in going to college. The Community Center offered to help administer this as well as job training!

It is important that we begin and end this message with our employees. We also want to thank our community partners and volunteers. The Village of Endicott truly is on the cusp of a major move forward. Collaboration across business, education, government, and the community allow us to maximize our potential and better assure success for all members of our community. We want to emerge from COVID better than before!

 On behalf of the Village of Endicott, Happy Holidays!!!!

Mayor Linda Jackson

Village of Endicott

Mayor Linda Jacksont (1).png
Alexis Belardinelli