The snowstorm last week caught all of us off guard. Forty-plus inches of snow in about 12 hours!

Luckily in the Village of Endicott, our Police Chief, Pat Garey, was up to the challenge! He and our Village Manager, Anthony Bates, worked all through the night to organize our plows, and then all the equipment and drivers who came to help us. They prioritized emergency needs and what teams would be best in each area.

All Village employees who were able to drive a plow truck took turns, many working up to 30 and 36 hours straight! They helped to keep snow removal efforts running around the clock. Village Street, Water, Waste Water, Light, Engineering, Police, and Fire Departments - Thank You all for pitching in when we needed you! Our Media group did a great job of keeping people informed as best we could.

We are very grateful for the help from the Governor's Office, State DOT, Broome County, Town of Union, and the National Guard.

I want to thank Lynn Orlando in Communications, and my Deputy Mayor, Cheryl Chapman, for helping me answer the many calls from the Village and Town of Union residents. Cherl also helped arrange some meals for our workers. Trustee Eileen Konecny helped at the Command Center, organized the calls for assistance, and connected residents to volunteers who offered help. What a great idea!

Thie storm brought a climactic end to a challenging year! But, thanks to all of you, we made it. Get ready for 2021!

Mayor Linda Jackson

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Alexis Belardinelli