Request For Qualifications: Architectural/Engineering Design Services for the Police/Fire Department Ventilation and Emergency Preparedness Improvements.

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Brief Description:

The Village of Endicott proposes public facility improvements to include removal and replacement of the emergency generator and improvements to the HVAC system at the existing Police and Fire Department Building to improve health, safety, and emergency preparedness in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The building is an essential facility utilized by essential workers and first responders taking an active role in the COVID-19 response. The building requires improvements to the emergency backup power to maintain operations in the event of loss of power. The CDC recommends ventilation improvements to reduce the spread of disease and lower the risk of exposure. 

The proposed project cost is $500,000 and includes: removal of existing emergency generator, installation of new emergency generator, and HVAC improvements, and engineering costs, environmental review and grant administration associated with CDBG program requirements. The proposed project is anticipated to be completed within 12-months of award and there are no identified potential barriers to completing the project as proposed. 

Alexis Belardinelli